Friday, September 20, 2013


When I read in the news today that the Republican Congress will not approve a budget unless the Affordable Care Act is defunded, I felt impotent rage well up inside of me. Who are these people who posture and pose as so called leaders and servants of the public interest yet act to destabilize our country's economy and undermine the rule of law? They should all be booted out for flagrant abuse of power.

This is surely not the first time that I have been filled with an unspeakable anger at the underhanded machinations of the God-awful Republican party. Since when has it become legally acceptable to manipulate legislation so that is serves as a tool of bribery? I don't understand this bundling together of seemingly disparate pieces of legislation. (I should here take the time to research and give some examples in the last few years about how Congressional Republicans have exercised this newfound way to bully the opposition into submission. A more polite way to put it may be to say "they complicate negotiations with extraneous issues". One example that comes to mind is when they tried to attach passage of the Keystone Pipeline to the Transportation Bill. They were ultimately unsuccesful but it was the same type of manipulation. They said, "We won't pass (this sorely needed) Transportation Bill if the pipeline isn't approved.) How dare they threaten to "shut down" the government if the ACA is not defunded? How do they get away with this shit? Why is this permissable? How dare they attempt this distracting, time consuming, and expensive folly just 10 days before the ACA takes effect. The Republican Party is shameful, corrupt and narcissistic. It is very clear that they do not care about the well being of their citizens.

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