Sunday, September 1, 2013


I thought of this phrase, "the separation of corporation and state" about 2 years ago. It seemed right to the point and quintessentially American to me. I think there should be a push for an amendment to the constitution and we should call the amendment "the separation of corporation and state".

I remember during the time of Clinton's presidency up through George W. Bush's first term in office, the weak  Democratic voice bandied the term "campaign finance reform". We desperately needed it back then but what we got instead was the utterly perverse citizen's united, the total negation of campaign finance reform.

(above written 12/16/12. sounds very outdated, it is a barely formed thought.)

now it is 9/1/13

My clever idea for the day:

higher ed = hire ed

higher education = hire education


higher ed gets you hired.

that sounds like some good copy for an ad agency...

I do think we see enough ads telling us about all that another degree will do for us.... the ads seem to be working...

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