Monday, November 4, 2013

Theory in Favor of the Separation of Corporation and State

Our public servants are making decisions for the benefit of their privately owned corporations at the expense of the business of the US government.  You cannot work for the government and work for a corporation and not be subject to a profound conflict of interest.  I think so many people, of varied political persuasion, have come to believe that it would be best for the country if the government were run like a business.  It is part of the reason that the influx of corporate leaders into the House and Senate has been so widely accepted and approved of in the form of the popular vote.  I think if we lived in a state of isolated utopia, the model of government as corporation might possibly work.  However, the very capitalist system that, in the process of its evolution, creates the logical merging of capital and capitol thus brings about both the downfall of the system of governance as well as the ideology of capitalism.